Get What You Need and Feel Good About It
1 year ago

S1E8 - Bakeability

She Found the Sweet Side of Being Blind

Get What You Need and Feel Good About It Episode 8: Carina Comer Owner of: Carina’s Bakery Bake to thrive. Taste the passion and the ABILITY in disability.

Born in Connecticut to family businesses on both sides started by immigrant grandfathers, it’s no wonder she blazed her own trail. As an infant, she was diagnosed with a brain tumor that, while mostly respected, affected her eye nerves and hormone receptors that caused partial blindness, weight struggles, and a myriad of other life-long health challenges. To balance out the difficult medical regiments, she found herself spending a lot of time seeking comfort, family, and creative self-expression in the kitchen. What started as helping her mom soon became an obsession with food, an escape from social and health challenges, and a connection to Lu a Swedish heritage and to others. It grew into a small business peddling baked goods on a tricycle as a teenager and soon to pastry school. There I learned how cutthroat the industry is but took free internship after free internship until someone would give her a job. Frustrated, she left the vegan bakery she had finally gotten a prep job at and headed to Oregon, where she had visited and fallen in love enough to apply to graduate school. Learning how to connect business with nonprofit work and entrepreneurship opened her eyes to what was possible with her bakery dreams. When the job market still wasn’t proving fruitful, she got her family to help her open the store of her dreams in Beaverton in 2017.

Quote: we all have something in us that makes us unique- be it a disability, a visual flaw, a personality quirk. We go about life in different ways and fight various levels of pain. People with disabilities just happen to deal with a little more and wake up with it every day. Instead of feeling sorry for ourselves we should use that innovation to impact our work and our works, to show the Ability in disability.”

Find Carina Here:

(503) 339-3187

Order a copy of Darian’s book in paperback or on Kindle: Speak Up for Yourself: Get What You Need and Feel Good About It:

To learn more about Darian Slayton Fleming go to:

Episode Notes

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