Get What You Need and Feel Good About It
1 year ago

S1E3 - Determine to Be Determined

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Get What You Need and Feel Good About It

Episode 3: Determine to Be Determined Define Determination: From the Marriam Webster Dictionary: The act of coming to a decision. From the Collins Dictionary: Determination is the quality that you show when you have decided to do something, and you will not let anything stop you. Synonyms: Intentional Intent Purposeful Resolute Resolve Courage Decided Will Power Strength of Will Persevere Persistent Tenacious Guest Expert: Mona Huntley Mona Huntley moved to Grants Pass, Oregon in 1981 when she was 41. Her husband, Frank, was still recovering from an industrial accident that left him 98% Disabled. Frank was in constant pain and could not stand for long periods of time. Mona and Frank started a Mobile Dog Grooming and Training business. Three years into their new business Mona was diagnosed with Age-Related Macular Degeneration (ARMD) and told “you will probably be blind in 5 to 7 years. Due to Frank's condition, Mona was the family provider. Her fallback occupation was as an art printer. She realized she needed to figure out how she was going to be able to continue to support her little family of two. First, she needed to find out what she was really facing. She went through the eye clinic at Oregon Health Sciences University (OHSU.) Second, she needed to prepare for the future. She enrolled in Courses from Hadley Institute for the Blind, learning everything she could about staying Independent. Fear became Determination. "I had watched my father, grandfather and great aunt become isolated and sidelined by Blindness. It wasn’t going to happen to me!" Find out more : President: Rogue Valley Chapter American Council of the Blind of Oregon (ACBO) Interview Questions: 1.What does being determined mean to you? 2.Would you tell us about a time when you decided you wanted to do something and you weren’t sure you could do it? Did you want to give up? Was there fear or anxiety? How did you handle it? 3.Can you tell us about a time when you were determined to accomplish a goal and others discouraged you? What happened? What was that like? How did you handle it? 4.Would you tell us about one of your success stories? What skills did you use? How did you celebrate that success? 5.Do you have any parting words for us about how to remain determined and focused on our goals and dreams? Closing: Mona, thanks so much for being my guest on Get What You Need and Feel Good About It. Your stories are so inspiring. I wish us all courage and determination as we go about pursuing our dreams and doing what we love. See the show notes for  more information about Mona Huntley. In the meantime, I want to leave you with these encouraging words From Mary Morrissey’s Brave Thinking Institute DreamBuilder Workshops: “Go for the dream. Face the storm. Do it afraid. Stay the course. Go for the dream.” Order a copy of Darian’s book in paperback or on Kindle: Speak Up for Yourself: Get What You Need and Feel Good About It: To learn more about Darian Slayton Fleming go to:

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